Friday, December 10, 2010


The art teacher from school 34 and I got together in the Peace Pavilion yesterday afternoon. We looked at the Peace for Me displays discussing what could have worked better and came up with some ways to modify things for the next round. We then hit the closet and began looking at the Peace for Us materials.

She came up with some ideas to add some color to thing and update some other things. She noticed some materials that could use repair and came up with a plan to fix them.

We had some maps that were given to us by Staples when it closed. We also have a beat up but sturdy table we'd been given given by The Stables when they replaced their banquet tables. She has plans to transform the table with the maps for the Peace for Everyone and Peace for the Planet displays.

We both left with lots of ideas and long lists of things to do.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


It's official! The Pigtown Peace Pavilion welcomed its first group of students, one of the third grade classes from school 34, on Thursday (11/11) morning. The kids all seemed engrossed in the activities and the staff was outstanding. We're working on scheduling other classes from this school while the "Peace for Me" learning centers are set up.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The art teacher from school 34 came over this afternoon. She brought with her some fabrics from around the world that she incorporated into some of the displays. As you can see from the pix below, this added a lot of color and texture to the room.

Of course, color and texture were both goals when we picked out rugs, too.

We're hoping this will add to the experience kids have when they come in and experience the Pigtown Peace Pavilion for themselves.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


The volunteer staff gathered this morning to welcome kids to the Pigtown Peace Pavilion. Unfortunately, it was raining outside so the teachers didn't bring the kids over.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The beginning is near! We're scheduled to have our first classrooms participate in the Pigtown Peace Pavilion tomorrow (Thursday, November 4) morning. Please be mindful of us as the work commences.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Below are a few pix to let you see the progress in getting things set up. We have a ways to go but the concept is starting to take shape.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Sheryl and Kirk from the Wadhams Grove Congregation met up with us in Kirtland, Ohio. There we handed off the remaining Peacemobile materials to Sarah and Marian who were able to transport them back to Baltimore.

Sarah dropped off the supplies from her car on Sunday night at the church. Marian's will be coming later.

We'd received a donation to get some new rugs and other supply updates. We shopped IKEA last week and got some rugs. They'd been rolled up pretty tight so we weighted them down to get them to lay flat. We'll be able to arrange them a variety of ways to both define spaces for the centers and to give kids places to sit on the floor.

We've got lots of work this week in getting things ready for our November 4 opening day. Watch for updates as we make progress.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


The floor is now finished and is pictured below. I spent some time today on the phone with Sheryl from the Wadhams Grove Congregation. She helped me pull out the correct materials for "Peace for Me."

Our next step in the process is to get some go through those material, determine how we will use them in our context, and make any necessary adjustments.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Here are some pix of the work we've done so far. We've got lots more to do but it's a big improvement compared to the "before" shots.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Below are some "before" pix as we get working on transforming this space into the Pigtown Peace Pavilion. I thought you might like to see the progress along the way.

Monday, September 27, 2010


We're hoping to make some progress this week in transforming the balcony at the church into its new role as the Peace Pavilion. Please be mindful of us in the work ahead and watch here for pix.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


We just finished up at the Pigtown Festival. We used a couple of items from the Peace Pavilion at our booth. The weaving was especially popular with kids and adults alike. Several adults commented how good the project was to engage in and show beauty and unity in diversity, especially on this date and with this week's headlines.

We also visited with people who run the after school program at Paul's Place. They're excited about the Peace Pavilion and being able to bring their kids to it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


We'll be including an activity or two from the Pigtown Peace Pavilion at The Power House's booth at Saturday's Pigtown Festival. We're also introducing it to some of the other community organizations who will have booths there, too.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The mural is officially finished! Congratulations Sam and Hannah on a job very well done.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Here's a photo of the mural people are in the process of painting. It will welcome kids to the Pavilion when they arrive.

In addition, I visited with the principals of the two schools we're offering the Pavilion to this year. Both were extremely excited about it and are ready to bring kids. Now we just need to get things ready on our end and open up for the business of peacemaking.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Here we are ready to leave Port Huron with the Peacemobile for its transformation into the Pigtown Peace Pavilion.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


The Peacemobile arrived safely in Pigtown this evening. Its contents were unloaded into the church. We had a great trip to Michigan to get it. I hope to write about it soon but just wanted to get news of its arrival posted ASAP.

Monday, August 16, 2010


We've got a van full of people from The Power House heading to Michigan tomorrow. We'll spend the day Wednesday in Port Huron and be a part of a worship service that evening during which the Bluewater Peacemobile will be transfered to us. We'll hitch up the trailer and bring it to its new home in Baltimore on Thursday.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


This morning, the Wadhams Grove, Michigan, Community of Christ, voted unanimously to give their Peacemobile to The Power House Community of Christ in Baltimore, Maryland's, Pigtown neighborhood to establish the Pigtown Peace Pavilion.

Follow this blog to track the development of this project.