The art teacher from school 34 and I got together in the Peace Pavilion yesterday afternoon. We looked at the Peace for Me displays discussing what could have worked better and came up with some ways to modify things for the next round. We then hit the closet and began looking at the Peace for Us materials.
She came up with some ideas to add some color to thing and update some other things. She noticed some materials that could use repair and came up with a plan to fix them.
We had some maps that were given to us by Staples when it closed. We also have a beat up but sturdy table we'd been given given by The Stables when they replaced their banquet tables. She has plans to transform the table with the maps for the Peace for Everyone and Peace for the Planet displays.
We both left with lots of ideas and long lists of things to do.
So wonderful that you have this kind of support, and that you are providing the opportunity for others to offer their skills and expertise! :)