Friday, January 28, 2011


Well, with the snow all three days of "Peace for Me" have been postponed. We're in the process of rescheduling with the school.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1/26/2011 Part 2

I realized today that I hadn't posted pix of the setup for "Peace for Us." Below are several for you to see how we have things set up.


Well, the weather just doesn't seem to like having kids come to the Peace Pavilion. We were scheduled to have kids there this afternoon but we woke up to a snow day. We're looking at more snow overnight so there's a good chance we won't have the groups schedueled for tomorow, either. We'll see.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today we scheduled the dates for the kids from school 34 to take part in Peace for Us. They'll be coming later this month. Now it's time to pack up "Peace for Me" and set up the new materials.